18.10.24 - 21.10.24

Festival of Federweißer

With around 2040 hectares of vineyards, Landau is the largest wine-growing region in the Palatinate
. On the Nußdorfer Herrenberg, Wollmesheimer Mütterle or Godramsteiner Königacker vineyards, Riesling, Silvaner and Pinot Gris are the most popular.


Festival of Federweisser: Evening music program

In mid-October, the winegrowers already launch the first Federweisser on the market: a pressed grape must whose alcoholic fermentation has just begun. In Landau, the event is celebrated with a big party - with serving in the wine bar around the market square.


The festival is opened by the outgoing and new Landau wine princess, there is an extensive music programme every day and more than 20 snack stands offer Palatine specialities such as onion cake, chestnuts and steam noodles.


---------- Service ---------
Festival of Federweißer
  • Location: Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Date: Mid of October
  • Homepage


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