
Open Wine Cellars in the Ahr Valley

Vineyard on the Ahr

Spät- und Frühburgunder, Dornfelder and Portugiese
r: Around 80 percent of the vineyard area in the Ahr valley is planted with red wine.
And with the Nelles, Meyer-Näkel and Deutzerhof wineries, the wine-growing region has some of Germany's most prominent winegrowers in its ranks.

Wine Cellar Kloster Mariental/Ahr

Around 20 of them open their cellars in mid-April - and invite you to wine tastings, commented tours through the cellar halls and hikes in the vineyards.
Almost all of them offer a small selection of food and live music can be heard in some farms.


---------- Service ---------
Open Wine Cellars in the Ahr Valley
  • Location: Various Wine Cellars in the Ahr valley
  • Date: Mid April
  • Price: The event is subject to a fee. Reservation recommended
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